Men's Sacral Chakra Tea Flight


This Tea Flight is a fruity, slightly sweet, light-bodied tea specifically designed for men’s health. It’s a blend of herbs to help promote vitality, energy, stamina, strength, and proper function of the male reproductive system. These herbs fortify and build from the cellular level.

Your Flight Box Includes:
  • 8:20AM TEA (Based on your tea flight box)
  • 8:20PM TEA (820 tea Sleep & Calming Blend)
  • The TEA Spoon Squeezer
  • Disposable Tea Filter Bags
  • Aromatherapy (2 Palo Santo sticks)
  • Affirmation Card
  • Set Your Intention Card


Ingredients: ashwagandha root, ginkgo leaf, horny goat weed, licorice root, and tribulus fruit

  • 7 Day Tea Flight
  • 14 Day Tea Flight
  • 21 Day Tea Flight

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