Understanding The Crown Chakra
Crown Chakra / Sahasrara
The final chakra, Sahasrara Chakra, is located on the crown area of the skull. It is the seventh and highest of the seven primary chakras. This wheel, or vortex, of pranic energy is said to be the centre of one’s spiritual connection to the divine and yogic teachings assert that it gives us the ability to experience a connection with God, or the universal Consciousness.
Meaning "thousand petaled," sahasrara is called that way because this chakra is said to be in the form of a lotus with 1,000 petals arranged in 20 layers.
In some yogic teachings, sahasrara is said to be located precisely four finger widths above the crown of the head, residing in the "plane of truth and reality."
When this chakra is balanced, it enables spiritual growth and one experiences connection with the higher or universal Consciousness. Also, one can feel deep serenity and joy because one is able to trust in the universe and live with gratitude and peace.
In Kundalini yoga, sahasrara is seen as the place where the Kundalini Shakti merges with Shiva, or where the individual consciousness meets the divine. It is said that this chakra is the point where immortality can be found. This is because when the Kundalini reaches the level of this chakra, illusions of one's self as an individual dissolves and one experiences samadhi, or pure bliss.
It is said that a person with a blocked crown chakra may experience unwillingness to be open to other ideas, thoughts, or knowledge.
An affirmation you can meditate with: “I seek to understand and learn from my life experiences”.